Plot 2, Road 203A, Sector 12, Purbachal Town, Narayangonj, Bangladesh.

1. The membership of the Club shall be provided as per Arts. 8, 9, 10 and 11 under Section III of the Articles of Association.
2. Any ex-cadet desirous and eligible to become a Primary Member of the Club that is DONOR or LIFE or GENERAL MEMBER shall apply to the Executive Committee in the prescribed form (specimen given in Appendix 1) duly completed and signed by the applicant. All applicants for Primary Members shall be proposed by one and seconded by another Primary Member, not being the Office Bearer of the Club.
3. Application form for affiliate members except for Honorary or Temporary Members will be issued by the Executive Committee on the request of a sponsor member from among the Primary Members. The Executive Committee shall invite a person to become an Honorary Member of the Club. All Temporary Members will be invited for a specific purpose and period and shall not require to apply for the membership of the Club.
4. All applications for membership shall be processed as under:
a) All application forms for membership duly completed shall be received by the Secretary General along with a non-refundable processing fee to be fixed from time to time by the Executive Committee. The Secretary General shall forward all such application forms for membership to the Membership Sub-committee within 7 (seven) working days.
b) The Membership Sub-committee shall scrutinise any application received by them and then invite the applicant along with his proposer and/or seconder for an interview jointly with the Executive Committee and the Membership Sub-committee within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receiving such application for membership. The President of the Club shall chair such joint interviews.
c) Once found suitable the applicant shall be granted “USE CLUB” permission by the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the Membership Sub-committee for a period not less than 180 days. In special circumstances the Executive Committee may reduce the time period for “USE CLUB” permission. All Primary Members shall be notified about the “USE CLUB” permission of an applicant for their observation, if any. During the “USE CLUB” permission a member will be observed on the frequency of his/her visit to the Club, his/her participation in various activities and the observance of the Club rules and regulations including personal conduct. The applicant shall require to pay a subscription as prescribed for General Members under Art. 14 for the duration of the ‘USE CLUB’ permission. The proposer and seconder shall be jointly and severally responsible for the conduct of the applicant during the “USE CLUB” permission including the payment of Club dues. The Executive Committee may terminate the “USE CLUB” permission at any time without assigning any reason.
d) The Membership Sub-committee will make final recommendations to the Executive Committee for membership of the applicant on the expiry of the “USE CLUB” permission. The Executive Committee may accept or reject any or all of the recommendations of the Membership Sub-committee without assigning any reason.
e) Each applicant shall be assessed for membership of the Club during the ‘USE CLUB’ permission as per the guidelines given in Appendix 2.
f) The Executive Committee shall make the final selection of member(s) through secret ballot in the prescribed ballot paper (specimen given in Appendix 3) in a special meeting for the purpose of electing the members of the Club only. The quorum for such special meeting shall be 8 (eight) Office and the proposal for membership must be adopted by three-fourth majority of the Office Bearers present in such meeting.
g) The Executive Committee may accept or defer or reject any application for membership without assigning any reason.
5. The finally selected member(s) of the Club will be welcomed formally in a regular meeting of the Executive Committee and be introduced to the Primary Members in the Annual General Meeting of the Club. All members shall be issued with the identity cards as per the specimen given in Appendix 4.
6. Where an application is rejected any further application from the same person shall not be entertained for a period of one year from the date of such rejection, nor shall any explanation or reason be given thereof.
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